آخبار عاجل

With the participation of Arab experts, a scientific workshop was held on capacity building and environmental impact assessment to combat desertification

28 - 12 - 2023 10:19 151


Under the patronage of the Minister of Education and Chairman of the Yemeni National Commission for UNESCO, Mr. Tariq Al-Akbari, and with the support of the Arab Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO), the Yemeni National Commission for Education, Culture and Science held this morning in the capital, Aden, the scientific workshop on building national capacities and assessing the environmental impact of projects to combat desertification that continue from ( December 25-26, 2023 AD) attended by (20) participants from specialists in the ministries concerned with the liberated areas, in addition to Arab experts from the Arab Republic of Egypt, Syria and Iraq.

Engineer Ahmed Nasser Al-Zamki, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Fisheries for the Irrigation and Land Reclamation Sector, opened the training workshop with a speech in which he praised the workshop and its valuable scientific materials for building capacity and combating the threat of desertification, which is organized by the Yemeni National Committee for Education, Culture and Science, under the supervision of Dr. Hafizah Al-Sheikh, Secretary-General of the Committee, hoping that The efforts of the organizers of this workshop are fruitful in combating desertification.

Under the patronage of the Minister of Education and Chairman of the Yemeni National Commission for UNESCO, Mr. Tariq Al-Akbari, and with the support of the Arab Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO), the Yemeni National Commission for Education, Culture and Science held this morning in the capital, Aden, the scientific workshop on building national capacities and assessing the environmental impact of projects to combat desertification that continue from ( December 25-26, 2023 AD) attended by (20) participants from specialists in the ministries concerned with the liberated areas, in addition to Arab experts from the Arab Republic of Egypt, Syria and Iraq.

Engineer Ahmed Nasser Al-Zamki, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Fisheries for the Irrigation and Land Reclamation Sector, opened the training workshop with a speech in which he praised the workshop and its valuable scientific materials for building capacity and combating the threat of desertification, which is organized by the Yemeni National Committee for Education, Culture and Science, under the supervision of Dr. Hafizah Al-Sheikh, Secretary-General of the Committee, hoping that The efforts of the organizers of this workshop are fruitful in combating desertification.

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